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 Robotic PvP Guide

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PostSubject: Robotic PvP Guide   Robotic PvP Guide I_icon_minitimeWed May 05, 2010 4:21 am

Author: Stow

How to PvP as a Robotic in Global Agenda

You are part man, and part machine. Just because you’ve sacrificed your humanity for a robotic assistant doesn't mean you're limited to holding down the fort. PvP is fast, furious, and requires you to be in more places than one, just hopefully not at the same time. Above all, it requires you to be far more precise fighting opponents who are generally up to no good and know your tactics. They also learn from mistakes and will not fall to that same turret twice. You can no longer fire and forget; you'll have to use everything you've got to win offensively and defensively as a Robotics in Global Agenda!
Control Maps

Generally the role we fill is that of a defensive camper--we hold down the points we've got. We keep that beacon tucked away in the nearby corner and keep it safe. Your turret should cover the entire point and not leave it open to any kind of recon, edge-touching, or obstacle-using trickery. If you're taking charge of the beacon and its deployment and safety, you’re well advised to take a sensor to keep you alert to all threats, visible or not.

Our offensive capabilities are not to be underestimated, either. Since Control fights are generally no larger than 3v3, Drone Robotics can eliminate people quickly and easily with Lockdown Drone. The combination of Lockdown + high burst damage from your Rumbleblaster should be enough to send anyone packing in short order, given you can aim. That's what the lockdown drone is there for! I suppose if you're too good for that you can use a Harrier instead for your soloing adventures. You should still bring a turret however, and dropping a Personnel Turret will distract incoming fire to neutralize it before it's active, no matter how impotent it may be.

If you're not spearheading the assaults with your drones, you can hang back and put up one of the more advanced turrets beforehand. Just realize that the advanced turrets take forever to build if not tended to with your robotic arm, and have twice the cooldown and thus twice the penalty for failure.

Above all else, STAND ON THE POINT if you come under attack and the point is being taken. I don't care if your medical station needs to be fixed, there's no point in fixing it if that point is lost because all attention will be focused on you and your equipment (the latter being more important) if it's taken.

Robotic PvP Guide Robo
Part man, part machine, 100% awesome.

Breach Maps

These favor a powerful pet turret build--you can't go wrong with the bonus damage and range when everyone is passing through to one destined point.

On offense you're looking to put your turret in odd and awkward areas. Most of all, unexpected areas that expose them to fire are preferred to cause panic, confusion, and net you the kills you need to secure those points. Additionally, you can setup offensive strike bases with a station build. A powerful power station, medical station, and sensor can boost any class beyond belief, and the effect penetrates walls. The map developers love to make these points enclosed and create many key spots for you to set up shop. Once nearby assaults realize how much more dominant they can be when in your aura range, they'll defend it and you can be free to hunt recons and shoot stragglers as the pressure is put on.

Defensively, you'll want powerful defensive positions that aren't easily flanked, and most importantly, not easily attacked from above. Most of the final points don't allow you that luxury and you'll just have to plant your deployables where you feel the effect would be most felt, and in most cases that would be right next to the point. Your turret in this case would be a free place, and would mix up the positioning every time it's destroyed to keep the enemy on their toes, and hopefully, on their stomachs--dead.
Demolition Maps

These are really hard to play well for Robotics. The fights are so mobile that only one role stands out for us--follow the damn robot. You can repair the robot like any other deployable, and this might be the only time you consider taking level 4 of your repair arm. Finding good spots for your static assistance deployables will be hard, if not impossible, due to the mobility of the fights. As soon as you can place them and people can benefit from them, the fight is halfway across the map. Bleh. Since the combat is constantly moving towards the capture points, plant your turret in a spot where it will likely intercept people beelining for the point or chasing their robot blindly. You might pick off a few medics and not even know it! Due to the mobility, a drone load out is highly recommended.
Payload Maps

People say we shine here. They aren't saying it for no good reason. Payloads are won and lost on the first push outside the attackers' gates.

On defense, you need to hurry to an ideal position and setup shop post-haste. If anyone gets outside that door and your turret doesn't gun them down, things will go sour fast and that payload will go on cruise control to the finish line. All payload maps have at least 3 ways to exit the base however, so you will have to pick and choose your combat location. Since the payload is the focus, always put your encampment in a position for you and/or the turret to support the destruction of those foolish enough to push. Be extra vigilant for recons--if one manages to distract you for too long, the constant supply of respawning, angry, relentless attackers will overwhelm your unsupported turret position and the dominoes will begin to fall. Your Rumbleblaster will be your best friend as you blast multiple people apart that are pushing the payload from behind.

On offense, you need to get the support up that will keep that push alive around the payload. Your medical station should be deployed in the vicinity in front of or behind the payload almost always. A turret should either watch your rear, or be snuck above and behind the enemy to harass and pick off stray reinforcements and defenders. Alternatively, you should be the guardian of the beacon and move it forward with the payload in various safe havens, supported by a personal turret to ward off attackers. It will die a lot, but that's why we use the short cooldown, wide range turret. These narrow passages are great kill zones for your basic gun and it's 180 degree range. In essence, you are as close to pure support in this offensive role as you'll ever come as a Robotics in this game.
Scramble Maps

It's absolutely imperative you are in the right place at the right time for the capture zones to spawn. This could be said for any of the classes, but it goes doubly for the Robotics with its setup time. You have a very powerful friend in the Medical Station IV for this map type. Placed in the corner of a point, it can keep people alive through it all. Teams love to just throw random grenades, bombs, and various forms of splash damage into the capture circle and a Medical Station IV hidden behind a box in the corner can keep people alive, and cleansed of all of the painful debuffs associated with these splash damage weapons. Even the mighty Magma Lance isn't strong enough to splash down a point in one barrage with a medic cleansing the fire and healing a third of the damage caused by a rocket every second.

The Rocket Turret is king here. Scramble maps are wide open and offer lots of high ground for you to place them on. Your turret will get plenty of shots off unless a Recon has your number. The turret doesn't even have to cover the point to be effective, as teams charge headlong towards the capture point, they can be quite vulnerable to even mediocre turret spots for free kills and big damage. Once that turret has been dealt with, you should immediately guard that beacon with your life.

Scramble is won and lost with the Respawn Beacon more than any other map type. Being able to respawn seconds from the hot zone is more important than anything else you can provide your team, so keep that beacon healthy and save it from death as needed. A lost beacon is a lost capture point.

There are many roles for us to fill in PvP, and we do each quite well. We can support, assault, and defend. We are the jack of all trades, and the master of... healing through walls, I suppose. It may be cheating, it may be fixed in the future, but since it wasn't taken out with Patch 1.1, that's just another tool for us to use in the 10v10 killing fields. And use it we shall!
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Join date : 2010-05-28
Age : 52
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PostSubject: Re: Robotic PvP Guide   Robotic PvP Guide I_icon_minitimeSat May 29, 2010 3:51 am

Thanks for this guide, it is looking interesting ;)
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